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ASHAR Girls Jump Into Adar With Joy

02/16/2022 09:49:09 AM


By: Chana Ayzenberg, Fifth Grade

The ASHAR Girls Division jumped into Adar with Joke Day! On Tuesday, students brought in jokes from home and shared them with teachers, who in turn gave a Laffy Taffy for each one. Teachers ran out quickly! Shira, 8th Grade, says "My favorite thing was the candy we got for telling jokes and all the funny jokes!" The jokes were posted on a large bulletin board in the hallway so everyone can continue laughing throughout the month of Adar. Some favorite jokes were: 'How does a rabbi make his coffee? He-brews it!' 'What do you call a sad strawberry? A blue berry!' and 'Why couldn't the motorcycle stay up? He was two-tired!' Sharing laughter and having fun is part of welcoming in the month of Adar, and this was an exciting, original way to get ASHAR girls ready for the simcha.

The next day, Wednesday, was Pajama Day, and girls were allowed to wear pajamas with their uniforms.

Zehava Isaacson, 8th grade, says, "When I cam in and saw people in their pajamas I felt the unity of our school and the joyous environment, and it meant a lot to be part of this occasion."

The girls were treated to hot cocoa and marshmallows to warm them up on a very cold Rosh Chodesh day. What is Pajama Day without hot cocoa to go with it? Girls laughed at the sight of usually professional-looking teachers wearing their PJ's as well! This was also an excellent way to get ready for the joy of Adar.

Adar is a month of fun and excitement, and the girls are sure getting in the mood. As it is a leap year, we will have an extra month of fun. The ASHAR girls are really having fun and looking forward to more! Enjoy your Adar.


Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784