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Dear Parents, Grandparents, and Friends,

There isn’t a more exciting and exhilarating experience than walking through our yeshiva and witnessing the enthusiasm of our students as they take an active part in Limud HaTorah.  Sense the eager anticipation of our very youngest nursery students as they are introduced to Shabbat and the Chagim.  Share the excitement of our primary grade students as they chant from their new Siddurim and Chumashim.  Observe the learned and thoughtful Torah discussions of our upper graders.  We at ASHAR have the daily privilege of transmitting the mesorah of past generations to our precious talmidim, confident that they too will pass it on to generations to come.

You now have an opportunity to become an integral part of this beautiful tradition by becoming a Parnas HaYom, Supporter of the Day.  The Parnas HaYom program will allow you to dedicate a day a week or a perpetual day of Tefillah and Torah at ASHAR.  This dedication may be made in memory or honor of a dear one, or for the z’chut of a refuah shleimah.  You may also choose to commemorate a special occasion, such as a yahrzeit, birthday, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or anniversary.  Of course, you may simply choose to dedicate a day of learning to facilitate the added z’chut of limud haTorah.  Each dedication will be announced and displayed on the special plaque in our front entranceway for all to see.  You will also receive a duplicate certificate and your dedication will be noted in the AshreiNews. 

The cost to participate in this meaningful program is $100 for a day of learning, $250 for a full week, or $1000 for a perpetual day of learning.

Please consider supporting our Yeshiva by taking part in this very meaningful program.

Together, we will ensure that the most precious sounds of Torah, those emanating from the mouths of Tinokot Shel Beit Raban, continue to reverberate throughout our halls.

Any further questions may be directed to Karen Rosenthal  845-357-1515 ext. 512 or

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784