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ASHAR Launches Names, Not Numbers

01/20/2022 08:29:01 AM


ASHAR eighth-graders have begun work on the school's annual Names, Not Numbers Holocaust studies curriculum. Names, Not Numbers is a project which bequeaths the memories, stories, and lessons of the Holocaust to students. On Thursday, January 13, Malka Millman, senior editor of the Monsey Mevaser, shared interview techniques with the students as an introduction to the program. Students gained an understanding of the importance of asking open-ended questions and allowing the interview to be guided by the interviewee instead of the assumptions an interviewer might go into the process with.

Over the course of the year, students will research, interview, film, edit, and produce their own documentaries with Holocaust survivors. At the end of the unit of study, eighth-graders will work together to produce a professional-grade documentary of interviews with survivors telling their individual stories.


ASHAR Boys Learn What Knot To Do

01/12/2022 10:33:56 AM


After learning Hilchos Tzitzis with Rabbi Bendrihem, ASHAR's sixth grade boys worked on making their own tzitzis.


Parsha Times-Where Chumash Comes Alive

01/12/2022 09:47:37 AM


Our sixth graders are writing newspaper articles from the times of the Parsha. Below you can see some samples.

By Sara Pels, Sixth Grade

Newsflash! Finally Free!

Reported from the front lines by Yehuda from Shevet of Binyamin

The Egyptians have enslaved Jews for about 210 years, but recently we have been fighting back, and Hashem has been doing miraculous things for us.

We are now in the desert, but we are not just going to Eretz Yisroel, The Promised Land. We are being rerouted by Hashem. Moshe says it's because we might want to turn back to Egypt if we see what is up ahead on the direct path. Hashem is leading us with a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night. Then we all just stop along the Red Sea, and Moshe tells us we should set up camp. All of a sudden, we see Egyptian soldiers approaching us, getting closer and closer. We all start to panic. There is nowhere to go. In front of us, there is the Red Sea.

Behind us are the Egyptian soldiers, and if we try to go to our right or left, we will surely be torn apart by wild animals.

Some of us start to scream, "We should have stayed in Egypt! Now we are just going to die in the desert!"

But then the sea split without warning. There are twelve passages, one for each shevet. As we go into the tunnels, we see trees with fruit on them, but the Egyptians follow us into the tunnels. We all start running for our lives!

As we are running, the sea is closing in on the Egyptians. But the part in the middle of the Yam Suf where we are walking is still holding, and we are able to cross safely onto the other side.

After we got to the other side, we sang praises to Hashem. Blesses is He for saving us. Look at the miracles He has done for His nation. We are finally free!


What Miracles G-d Does for Their Nation!

By: Minna Van Halem, Sixth Grade

Reported by Sam - chief officer of Pharaoh's military reporting live from the Yam Suf.

You might be asking why I am at the seaside. It's a long story, but here it goes. As you all know, Pharaoh let the Jews go.

Pharaoh had this plan to chase Bnei Yisrael. I have to tell you that was one of the worst ideas in Egyptian history. As we were chasing them, we came across the Yam Suf. We saw Bnei Yisrael panicking. But something miraculous happened: how crazy it is what G-d does for them. Their G-d just split the sea. After all the makos I went through, I definitely know that their G-d is true. Anyways gotta go. I never took the Nile's swimming lessons, so, I don't know how to swim so you better believe I am not going near that water - even if the path looks safe - those walls of water...not safe for me!

Mazel Tov First Grade on Receiving your Siddurim!

01/05/2022 12:17:49 PM


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Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784